Update May 2023


K-Laser Training For Doctors In QLD

Frequently Asked Questions

When is a practical training required in QLD and for how many hours?

Laser License for medical purposes

No additional training hours are necessary.

As a medical practitioner you can use laser for medical procedures such as benign raised lesions, warts, skin tags, seborrheic keratosis, cherry angioma, venous lake, onychomycosis and more.

Laser License for skin rejuvenation.

Additional training hours are required while working under the supervision of a qualified supervisor. According to QLD Health guidelines, it is recommended to complete 50h of training or less depending on your progress and the assessment of your supervisor.

Based on our experience, we have found that after completing 4 days of training, most doctors are adequately prepared for the examination on the fifth day.

Where is the laser training located?

We provide laser training and workshops to clinics and doctors all across Australia.

Whether you prefer training at your own clinic or attending our regular weekend workshops in Byron Bay , NSW, we have flexible options to suit your needs.

Do I need a licence before the training?

It depends where the training is located


No, you do not need a laser license to undergo training with us in Byron NSW. Our experienced supervisors will provide the necessary guidance and oversight during your training. In the future, the training hours from our workshop can be used for your QLD licence application.


  1. Book a date in your clinic for your K-Laser Workshop ( 1-2 or 5 days).
  2. Access our online laser safety course and workshop preparation modules.
  3. Undergo your laser training with us in Byron Bay.
  4. On the fifth training day, undergo an examination to validate your laser skills and receive your letter of competency
  5. Submit your licence application


Yes, you do need a laser license to undergo training. Once you have received your trainee license we can organise a workshop in your clinic.


  1. Book a date in your clinic for your K-Laser Workshop ( 1-2 or 5 days).
  2. Access our online K-Laser workshop preparation.
  3. Begin to book patients for the training date.
  4. We assess the laser room and bring the laser to supervise the treatments
  5. On the fifth training day, you undergo an examination to validate your laser skills and receive your letter of competency

Is it possible to start my training in Byron, NSW, and then continue the training at my clinic in QLD?

Absolutely! Many doctors choose to begin their training journey by booking a weekend workshop in Byron, NSW.

If you wish to pursue further training, ya=ou can then initiate the license process and continue the training at your own clinic in QLD.

What are the clinical applications covered in the training program?

We teach the followwing clinical appplications:

  • Vascular lesions such as telangiectasia, rosacea, angioma, and venous lake,
  • Skin rejuvenation applications such as brown spots, lentigo, sun damage, fine lines, scars
  • Medical or surgical procedures such as skin tags, seborrheic keratosis, and benign moles.

Additionally, if you choose to do so, you can also use the Blue Derma to train on the treatment of warts, onychomycosis, chronic ulcers, bed sores, edema, hematoma post-surgery, and pain management for conditions such as arthritis, bursitis, sports injuries, and neuralgia.

Do I have to commit to purchase a laser?

No, there is no requirement for you to commit to purchasing a laser in order to participate in the training.

However, if you decide to purchase a K-Laser Blue Derma following the completion of the training, we offer a 50% refund on the cost of the training course as a gesture of appreciation for choosing our laser product.

Is it possible to book and pay for just one training day at a time?

Yes, absolutely!

While our most popular workshop spans over a weekend, consisting of 2 days, we are more than happy to accommodate your specific needs.

How much does the training program cost?

The cost of the training program varies depending on the location of the clinic.

For our clinic in Byron Bay, NSW, the typical cost for the 2-day K-Laser Workshop is $2250+GST.

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